BR Investments knows how to maximize your investment through time management. For this reason, we handle the entire process of creating a Lease Agreement quickly and efficiently. The agreement is prepared in less than 24 hours and submitted to your future tenant for approval. So your property does not sit vacant for too long or lose your prospective tenant.

We also act as the ones responsible for enforcing the lease agreement and maintaining good relations between tenants and landlords during the lease term

Accessible prices for all investors

We will tailor our price to every customer so that it won’t take your profit.

Solutions outside the box

We try to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions for any issue.

Full Transparency and honesty

All financial information for your property will be accessible to you, and you will know exactly what is happening.

Expertise you can rely on.

Our team has been working on this market continuously, so you can count on us to solve any issues that arise.

Lease management and enforcement

We will guarantee that the tenant is following the lease so that you don't have to worry about it.

Creation of a Lease Agreement

Create a draft of an agreement to help you accelerate every step along the way.